
Blotter Color. New print: 12/29/09

Ahoy there internet, I’m getting back out from under my rock and unearthing the creations I have been toiling upon whilst beneath said stone.

Behold, “Blotter Color” a 4 color hybrid art print, limited edition of 30 pieces. In addition to the 4 screen printed colors, it was printed on watercolor paper where I introduced water into the printing process along the way along with a slight color change(red to magenta). Before the last color(black lineart) I added brush strokes, dabs and splatters of watercolor which makes each piece in the edition quite unique.

Here’s a video I slapped together to better illustrate what I’m talking about in terms of the way the pieces vary:


I am adding these pieces to the Big Cartel Store store today, measures 9.75″ x 13″ and is printed on watercolor paper. I am listing them individually so check ’em out and pick whichever one you like best!

Here are a couple more pics and blathering about the process…

On some of the pieces after the black printed I’ve gone in and elaborated on the linework to add more depth…

The original illustration is from a page out of a sketchbook from last year, I blew it up and played around painting shading or detail areas over it as I was putting the screen print together.

This is pretty experimental stuff so I wasn’t sure exactly how it would turn out but I’m pleased with the result. I’m excited about the future possibilities, I kinda feel like Doc Brown when he slipped off his toilet and discovered the secret to the Flux Capacitor.



  1. Christina says:

    Did your paper get wavy at all after you put watercolors on it? We just tried to screen print on top of tea stained paper and it didn’t work at all. The valleys in the paper’s waves didn’t come into contact with the screen. So your print is both awesome and magical!

    • jonjonsmith says:

      Well, watercolor paper is made to be absorbent so it held up quite well. There were other papers in the mix that were mostly used to get the print in registration before hitting the watercolor sheets and those ones definitely did get wavy and warped.

      I also threw in a couple pieces of a toothy, cottony Somerset paper and it worked, so I would recommend something like that. Something with some cotton in it, if not watercolor paper.

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