Drinking Buddies
Bottoms up internet!
What better time for a hangover than when I have to punch up a blog post for my new print release DRINKING BUDDIES! Available now at Nakatomi!!! Just in time for Christmas!
I made these things to celebrate famous and or infamous drinkers in popular culture, live, dead, real, fictional. The idea is at a 9″x12″ size they can purty up your bar, man cave, bathroom or cubicle(above where you hide your flask) quite easily.
I didn’t need to do too much research for these illustrations as pop culture and drinking come (far too)natural to me BUT I did need to brush up on my Bukowski, which lead to the discovery of The Bukowski Tapes.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAANNND in an effort to splash the pot I will randomly throw into one lucky order the line art for a future drinking buddies print(below)!!!
Alright that’s about all the brain cells I have for this. I was going to go into some of my blackout stories but they don’t translate as well in text and I don’t have the time or metal faculties to convey…see, I can’t even finish this sentence. Just trust there’s a good story behind this! Happy Christmas everybody.
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